
During my time teaching Introduction to Python (DSC20) (course website), I held weekly office hours where I assisted students with understanding course material, answering their questions, and providing additional academic support. I was also responsible for creating assignments that were both engaging and challenging, aimed at reinforcing the concepts taught in class and assessing student understanding effectively.

In addition to creating assignments, I graded exams and assignments, providing detailed feedback to help students improve their understanding and performance. I also managed the team of teaching assistants, coordinating their efforts and ensuring consistency in grading and support provided to students. Another key responsibility was maintaining the course website, ensuring that all necessary resources, announcements, and updates were readily accessible to students, facilitating a smooth and organized learning experience.

I also taught discussion sections, which provided an opportunity to delve deeper into the course topics. These sessions were designed to encourage student participation, clarify complex concepts, and foster a collaborative learning environment.



Students often complained that discussion sections were not impactful for their education, so I took responsibility over them starting my junior year and rewrote all material. My discussions are written as jupyter notebooks with a plugin named RISE that allowed for a powerpoint style representation. Recordings of my discussions can be found on

Spring 2024

Being my last quarter, I was only responsible for the first half of discussions as I transitioned the role to my successor.

Winter 2024
Fall 2023
Spring 2023

Spring 2023 was my first pass attempt at officially holding discussion sections. Much of the material was developed rapidly with no reference and utilizing new tools.

Exam Walkthroughs

Students often asked the same questions about practice exams, so I took the time to create detailed walkthroughs to avoid office hour floods before exams.

Final Exam Walkthrough

These were questions written by me due to course policy of never exposing final exams.

Fall 2021 Exam 2 Walkthrough

Fall 2023 Exam 1 Walkthrough

Fall 2021 Exam 1 Walkthrough


Though most of these items are timestamped, they are reused after inception and serve as inspiration for the next iteration of assignments after it has been retired.

I’ve also been responsible for approving assignments, making edits as necessary (though these changes don’t amount to enough for me to willingly take any credit for them).

Winter 2023 Homework 7 - Object Oriented Programming

Fall 2023 Lab 6 - Time Complexity

Spring 2022 “Bootcamp” - Week One

Fall 2022 Lab 4 - Lambda, Map, Filter

Review Material

Fall 2022 represented my first foray into presenting material in a lecture fashion. This manifested as on-demand review sessions to cover confusing topics and exam prep.

Basics of Python (Exam 1 prep)

Topics in Python (Exam 2 prep)

Introduction to Recursion

Introduction to Time Complexity